Sunday, June 20, 2010

Todays picture

Check this out:

Adrik Thorsen The Second posted a photo:



What Im reading:

And this:
As well as:
$description3$ original. oodanchukrs website

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Let me tell you - aint life wonderful

Spending the day away from Carol. Just me and the cat and 2 dogs spending some quality time together. Just feeling my blood flow through my veins. Wondering about the upcoming elections . . . whos going to win?

kusmi tea

japanese forms posted a photo:

kusmi tea

Friday, June 18, 2010

RBI fixes reference rate at Rupees 46.14 per USD


Mumbai, Jun 18 : The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) today fixed the reference rate at Rupees 46.14 per US Dollar, slashed by 36 paise, as against its previous close of 46.50 per USD.
And this:
The Simcoe County District School Board has dropped a Judeo-Christian reference as part of a policy change. Changes to the board's 25-year-old Moral Education in Schools policy were approved by trustees at a recent meeting.[...] original. Blog for tumoneyundu

José Saramago

This is interesting:

musiciennedusilence posted a photo:

1922 - 2010José Saramago

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Business Highlights

Todays catch:

Business Highlights Business - Services - Newspapers - Brazil - 2010 FIFA World Cup original. eeeqcuis Choices

Costello Photography Introduces 6-Step Wedding Photography Process

From todays web browsing:

Award Winning Philadelphia Photography Studio implements a unique 6-step process to help streamline wedding photography services
And this:
One of the most popular facets of Urbanscapes is photography. Whether its measured by the amount of DSLRs we see present on fest day, or the positive response towards our pet project, 24 Hour KL , one thing's for sure - KL's in love with photos. Here's what you can expect to see at Urbanscapes 2010 : 24 Hour KL Exhibition And speaking of 24 Hour KL , did you pick up our April issue and see ...
As well as:
A fashionable set hits Cuvee to celebrate Angelo Kritikos, the winner of a W magazine photo contest. Photography - art - Magazine - Business - Magazines and E-zines original. Blog for milofreeycert

Research aims to put value on rivers

Catch of the day:

Research is underway aiming to put a dollar value on north Qld rivers and the food sources they provide.
And this:
( USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station ) Oregon and Washington are home to 82 Forest Service-managed research natural areas (RNAs) and, on Saturday, June 19, these sites will be formally recognized as part of "Natural Areas Appreciation Day." The first-annual commemoration is designed to increase awareness of the importance of RNAs in ecological research and resource management. original. o9otuvons blog

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Technology Upgrade Makes Police Squads More Efficient

What Im reading:

An upgrade in technology at the Green Bay Police Department is providing a new level of safety for officers on the road, arming them with more information than ever before.
And this:
The Asian technology industry believes the future is not only bright but it's in three dimensions, as a string of manufacturers bring 3D products onto the market.
As well as:
The Idaho Technology Council and the Idaho Software Employers Alliance havemerged to unify the voic original. i1igruxi


Watch this:

Adrik Thorsen The Second posted a photo:


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Check out this video

All runs in real-time with Javascript, WebGL and HTML5 only (uses Minefield Audio build) -- no browser plugins are used. This demo combines the CubicVR 3D engine on WebGL ( with the Mozilla HTML5 Audio API (, Processing.js ( and BeatDetektor.js ( Mozilla Audio API is used to sample the HTML5 audio tag on the page, this information is processed by BeatDetektor.js which produces timing information for the Processing.js real-time canvas textures and the CubicVR.js procedurally generated WebGL scene using them. The camera is set to free roam a simple chase pattern with a probability to follow a nearby cube (fully automated). Available online at: You can also try out BeatDetektor on your iPhone to detect BPM using the built-in microphone, works great on iPad as well: you can find more info about audio api-enabled Minefield builds at: You can also feel free to chat with us about the Audio API via the #audio channel on irc.mozilla.orgCubicVR 3D Engine WebGL BeatDetektor Visualizer Demo #3

Starting the Week Off Fresh

Standing on the 2nd floor. Just me and the gang. Making the most of a few spare hours cause I know that wont last long. Thinking theres no way Im going to get my whole todo list done by tomorrow.

CDC Software expects more application revenue

Todays catch:

CDC Software expects a 33 percent to 42 percent increase in application revenue in second quarter based on preliminary financial data, the company said Monday. original. Homepage of s5sdoon1th

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Building My Life Again

Here in the kitchen and wondering if I belong. Just me and the gang. Just feeling my blood flow through my veins. Thinking about those spiders up in the corner. How did they get there?